Continuing in the spirit of Cate Speaks

Victorian Senate Candidates

Please note that all links to previous commentaries are to Cate Speaks, only links for 2022 are on this site.


  1. Reason Australia (formerly the Australian Sex Party & Fiona Patten’s Reason Party)– Official Site
    Commentaries: 202220192018 (VIC) — 2014 (VIC) — 20132010 (VIC)
  2. Damien Richardson & John McBrideOfficial Site
    Commentaries: 2022
  3. Australian DemocratsOfficial Site
    Commentaries: 2022201920132010
  4. Coalition
  5. Legalise Cannabis Australia (previously Help End Marijuana Prohibition aka HEMP Party) — Official Site
    Commentaries: 202220192013
  6. Sustainable Australia Party – Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption (formerly the Stable Population Party) — Official Site
    Commentaries: 2022201920182013
  7. Australian Values PartyOfficial Site
    Commentary: 2022
  8. Derryn Hinch’s Justice PartyOfficial Site
    Commentaries: 202220192018 (VIC) — 2016
  9. Animal Justice PartyOfficial Site
    Commentaries: 20222019201820142013
  10. Australian ProgressivesOfficial Site
    Commentaries: 202220192016
  11. Australian Labor PartyOfficial Site
    Commentaries: 202220192018 (VIC) — 2014 (VIC) — 20132010
  12. United Australia Party (formerly Palmer United) — Official Site
    Commentaries: 202220192014 (VIC) — 2013
  13. Socialist AllianceOfficial Site
    Commentaries: 202220192014 (VIC) — 2010
  14. Australian Federation Party (formerly Australian Country Party and Australian Country Alliance) — Official Site
    Commentaries: 202220192018 (VIC) — 2014 (VIC) — 2013
  15. Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party (formerly Shooters and Fishers Party)Official Site
    Commentaries: 202220192018 (VIC) — 2014 (VIC) — 20132010
  16. Pauline Hanson’s One NationOfficial Site
    Commentaries: 2022201920132010
  17. Citizens Party (formerly Citizens Electoral Council of Australia) — Official Site
    Commentaries: 2022201920132010
  18. Morgan C Jonas & Monica Smit
    Commentary: 2022
  19. FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate EmergencyOfficial Site
    Commentary: 2022 — Created by the merger of:
    • Science Party — Commentaries: 20192016
    • Pirate Party Australia — Commentaries: 20192013
    • Secular Party of Australia — Commentaries: 201920132010
    • Climate Emergency Action Alliance: Vote Planet
    • Climate Change Justice Party
  20. Susan Benedyka & Christine Richards
    Commentary: 2022
  21. The GreensOfficial Site
    Commentaries: 202220192018 (VIC) — 2014 (VIC) — 20132010
  22. The Great Australian PartyOfficial Site (archived on Web Archive)
    Commentary: 20222019
  23. Liberal Democratic PartyOfficial Site
    Commentaries: 202220192018 (VIC) — 2014 (VIC) — 20132010
  24. Informed Medical Options Party (formerly Involuntary Medication Objectors (Vaccination/Fluoride) Party) — Official Site
    Commentary: — 20222019
  25. Peter Byrne & Jason Wardle (formerly the Socialist Equality Party, now deregistered) — Official Site
    Commentaries: 2022201920132010
  26. Victorian SocialistsOfficial Site
    Commentaries: 202220192018 (VIC)

Ungrouped Candidates:


  1. Simon

    Group Y is the apparently deregistered Socialist Equality Party

    Glenn Floyd ran in 2016 – I just re-read Catherine’s commentary about him

    • Loki

      I’ll have to look more closely into the Group Y stuff – what I’ve got here is straight from the AEC site, but I wasn’t able to line up all the parties with their old names. Ditto with Glenn Floyd – by the time I was doing the stuff towards the bottom of the page, it was about 1:30AM, and I just wanted to get it good enough to post. But never fear, I’ll be going through it again today to get anything I missed, before moving on to the other states.

  2. LSN

    I am bizarrely happy/nostalgic to see the Australian Democrats again. Hoping they have not gone down the rabbithole of crazy.

    • Loki

      Fingers crossed 🙂

  3. Tim Malone

    Thanks for putting all this together!

    Re James Bond, who I note is ‘coming soon’, this is quite a laugh:

    • Loki

      We’re saving James for last, so we can end with a smile on our faces!

  4. Tim Malone

    FYI there’s something going on with the links to 2022 and 2019 commentaries for M – Socialist Alliance. Possibly a missing tag closing.

    • Loki

      Again, thank you. There was a missing ” at the end of the href 🙂

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