Continuing in the spirit of Cate Speaks

Category: Federal-2022 (Page 5 of 6)

Tara Tran


Website: Tara TRAN – Support Community- Healthy Mind Wealthy Life /Hỗ Trợ Cộng Đồng (Facebook page)
Social Media: FacebookYouTubeLinkedIn
Previous Names: none
Slogans: Healthy Mind, Wealthy Life
Themes: Integrity, Compassion, Environment, Innovation, Life

Upper House: Victoria

Lower House: not applicable


Now available on Facebook – thanks to eagle-eyed reader Drago for bringing them to my attention.

Tara gives the bare minimum of below the line preferences, numbering only 12 boxes, all of them bar one other independents, which is at least consistent with her views of what an independent can achieve. After herself at #1, #2 spot goes to Paul Ross (commentary coming soon, but let’s just say this surprises me). #3, #7 and #11 all go to independents on my missing-in-action list (i.e. candidates I’ve been unable to find online): Allen Ridgeway, Bernardine Atkinson and Nat De Francseco respectively.

#4 is Bond, James Bond (commentary coming soon, likewise surprising for reasons that will become apparent), while #5 is Neal Smith and #6 is Max Dicks, both of whom have some common policy ground with her. #8 is Group B independent Damien Richardson (formerly on Neighbours, now headliinng anti-vax rallies) and #9 is Yolanda Vega of the Reason Party – and it’s interesting that in both these cases, only the first person in each Group has been preferenced, despite there being two candidates in each. #10 is Glenn Floyd (another anti-vax type) and #12 is Geraldine Gonsalvez. A really mixed bag, and not one I can easily find patterns in, other than they are almost all independents (although it’s also interesting that among the ungrouped independents, Joe Toscane and David John Dillon’s boxes are left empty), and that clearly, Tara Tran is not interested in currying favour with the big parties.

Previous Reviews: none

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Citizen’s Party


Social Media: FacebookTwitterYouTubeVimeoSoundCloudLinkedIn
Previous Names: Citizens Electoral Council of Australia
Slogans: Citizens taking reponsibility
Themes: Banks are bad unless they’re the ones we want.

Upper House: New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia and Victoria

Lower House: Chisholm, Cunningham, Hawke, Lingiari, Mallee, Nicholls, Robertson & Sydney

Preferences: Preferences now available here. Short and sweet: second place to Shooters, Farmers and Fishers, third to One Nation, fourth to the Greens, fifth to Reason and sixth to the Australian Values Party. So basically, a vote following this is going to help elect a Green. I would not have predicted that.
Previous Reviews: 201920132010 (as the Citizens Electoral Council.) — all these are on Cate Speaks

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Peter Byrne and Jason Wardle (Socialist Equality Party)


Social Media: FacebookTwitterInstagramTikTok
Previous Names: Socialist Equality Party
Slogans: A socialist program of action for the working class!
Themes: The coming global socialist revolution will solve every problem, comrade!

Upper House: Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland

Lower House: none

Preferences: not yet available
Previous Reviews: 201920132010 (as the Socialist Equality Party, prior to their deregistration. See below for more details.) — all these are on Cate Speaks

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Australian Christians


Social Media: FacebookTwitter
Previous Names: none, but see below
Slogans: We believe
Themes: God is the answer, no matter what the question

Upper House: West Australia

Lower House: Brand, Burt, Canning, Cowan, Curtin, Durack, Forrest, Fremantle, Hasluck, Moore, O’Connor, Pearce, Perth, Swan & Tangney

Preferences: not yet available
Previous Reviews: 20192014 (VIC) — 20132010 (as the Christian Democratic Party, prior to their split. See below for more details.) — all these are on Cate Speaks

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Pauline Hanson’s One Nation Party


Social Media: FacebookTwitter
Previous Names: One Nation
Pauline Hanson’s United Australia Party
Slogans: We’ve got the guts to say what you’re thinking
If you want to change the government, change who you send there
Themes: Oppose vaccine mandates. Reduce immigration. No Net Zero. Protect and restore “the individual rights and fundamental freedoms of all Australians”.
Electorates: Upper House: Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria & Western Australia

Lower House: Barton, Bass, Bendigo, Berowra, Blair, Bonner, Bowman, Braddon, Burt, Calare, Capricornia, Casey, Chifley, Cook, Cooper, Cowan, Cowper, Corio, Cunningham, Dawson, Dickson, Dobell, Durack, Fadden, Fairfax, Fisher, Flinders, Forde, Forrest, Fowler, Franklin, Fraser, Gippsland, Goldstein, Groom, Hinkler, Hume, Hunter, Indi, Isaacs, Leichhardt, Lilley, Lingari, Longman, Lyne, Lyons, Macarthur, Maranoa, McEwen, McPherson, Melbourne, Monash, Moncrieff, Newcastle, Nicholls, Paterson, Pearce, Rankin, Robertson, Scullin, Shortland, Spencer, Warringah, Wide Bay & Wright

The website proudly proclaims that One Nation will be standing in all 151 Lower House seats across Australia, so presumably there are still some candidates to be announced.

Preferences: One Nation’s How-to-Vote card is frustratingly opaque. Rather than name parties, it advises voters to vote for the alphabetical letter designated on the ballot. In Victoria,  that means the Australian Values Party is number 2, followed by the Liberal Democrats and United Australia Party. Shooters, FIshers and Farmers, and Australian Federation Party round out the top 6. The other states have the Liberal Democrats at number 2, and IMOP gets a look-in in Queensland at number 5. The exception is Tasmania, who places Independents Day and Amadino ahead of the Liberal Democrats. In Western Australia, Australian Values Party is number 2.
Previous Reviews: 201920132010 — all these are on Cate Speaks

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The Liberal Party of Australia


Social Media: FacebookTwitterInstagram
Slogans: Stronger Economy. Stronger Future.
Themes: You can’t trust Labor
Look at everything we’ve done for you (but not too closely)
You can’t trust Labor
Electorates: Upper House: All states
Lower House: Almost all electorates
Preferences: The Coalition’s preferences are an interesting balancing act. There’s the obvious pandering to Clive, with the UAP coming in at 2, followed by a desperate scramble to find fellow right wingers who aren’t batshit crazy. This leads to Derryn Hinch’s Justice Party getting the number 3 slot, followed by the Liberal Democrats at 4, the Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party at 5 and the Australian Democrats at 6. UAP aside, these are among the more moderate parties to be found in the centre and right of our spectrum. It’s also notable that every last one of them is a past or current Parliamentary party, at least at a state level (in the case of the SFF).
Previous Reviews: 20192018 (VIC) — 2014 (VIC) — 20132010 — all these are on Cate Speaks

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What’s Next?

So, the election has finally been called, what happens now?

Well, first of all, you have until Monday, April 18 to get your enrolment sorted out. So if you’ve moved since 2019, or if this is the first election you’re old enough to vote in, now’s the time to take action. Especially since Friday and Monday are both public holidays. You can check your current enrolment details here, and if you’re enrolling for the first time, you can do that here.

Now, some parties and candidates are already out there doing their respective things, and we’ll starting the work of analysing them over the coming weekend, and posting what we find here. Nominations to be a candidate for the election are to be announced on Friday, April 22. At which point such things as Senate Ballot positions and preference cards will become available, and will be incorporated into our ongoing posts (and edited into the existing ones). We’ll keep you posted on what’s new and what’s been updated.

If you need to apply for a postal vote, the closing date to do so is Wednesday, May 18 – you can apply here.

If you’d like to vote early, you can do so between Monday, May 9 and Friday, May 20. We’ll post information on where you can do so once it becomes available. Please note that eligibility to vote early has been tightened from previous elections – the criteria can be found here. Also, voting early means that, in all likelihood, you will be forgoing the opportunity to feast upon a Democracy Sausage.

Finally, of course, there’s election day itself: Saturday, May 21, 2022. After which we here will be downing tools and having a well-earned drink or two.

Victorian Senate Candidates

Please note that all links to previous commentaries are to Cate Speaks, only links for 2022 are on this site.


  1. Reason Australia (formerly the Australian Sex Party & Fiona Patten’s Reason Party)– Official Site
    Commentaries: 202220192018 (VIC) — 2014 (VIC) — 20132010 (VIC)
  2. Damien Richardson & John McBrideOfficial Site
    Commentaries: 2022
  3. Australian DemocratsOfficial Site
    Commentaries: 2022201920132010
  4. Coalition
  5. Legalise Cannabis Australia (previously Help End Marijuana Prohibition aka HEMP Party) — Official Site
    Commentaries: 202220192013
  6. Sustainable Australia Party – Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption (formerly the Stable Population Party) — Official Site
    Commentaries: 2022201920182013
  7. Australian Values PartyOfficial Site
    Commentary: 2022
  8. Derryn Hinch’s Justice PartyOfficial Site
    Commentaries: 202220192018 (VIC) — 2016
  9. Animal Justice PartyOfficial Site
    Commentaries: 20222019201820142013
  10. Australian ProgressivesOfficial Site
    Commentaries: 202220192016
  11. Australian Labor PartyOfficial Site
    Commentaries: 202220192018 (VIC) — 2014 (VIC) — 20132010
  12. United Australia Party (formerly Palmer United) — Official Site
    Commentaries: 202220192014 (VIC) — 2013
  13. Socialist AllianceOfficial Site
    Commentaries: 202220192014 (VIC) — 2010
  14. Australian Federation Party (formerly Australian Country Party and Australian Country Alliance) — Official Site
    Commentaries: 202220192018 (VIC) — 2014 (VIC) — 2013
  15. Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party (formerly Shooters and Fishers Party)Official Site
    Commentaries: 202220192018 (VIC) — 2014 (VIC) — 20132010
  16. Pauline Hanson’s One NationOfficial Site
    Commentaries: 2022201920132010
  17. Citizens Party (formerly Citizens Electoral Council of Australia) — Official Site
    Commentaries: 2022201920132010
  18. Morgan C Jonas & Monica Smit
    Commentary: 2022
  19. FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate EmergencyOfficial Site
    Commentary: 2022 — Created by the merger of:
    • Science Party — Commentaries: 20192016
    • Pirate Party Australia — Commentaries: 20192013
    • Secular Party of Australia — Commentaries: 201920132010
    • Climate Emergency Action Alliance: Vote Planet
    • Climate Change Justice Party
  20. Susan Benedyka & Christine Richards
    Commentary: 2022
  21. The GreensOfficial Site
    Commentaries: 202220192018 (VIC) — 2014 (VIC) — 20132010
  22. The Great Australian PartyOfficial Site (archived on Web Archive)
    Commentary: 20222019
  23. Liberal Democratic PartyOfficial Site
    Commentaries: 202220192018 (VIC) — 2014 (VIC) — 20132010
  24. Informed Medical Options Party (formerly Involuntary Medication Objectors (Vaccination/Fluoride) Party) — Official Site
    Commentary: — 20222019
  25. Peter Byrne & Jason Wardle (formerly the Socialist Equality Party, now deregistered) — Official Site
    Commentaries: 2022201920132010
  26. Victorian SocialistsOfficial Site
    Commentaries: 202220192018 (VIC)

Ungrouped Candidates:

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