Continuing in the spirit of Cate Speaks

Category: Tasmania (Page 2 of 2)

United Australia Party


Social Media: FacebookTwitterYouTube
Previous Names: Palmer United Party
Slogans: Save Australia
Themes: Make Australia Great Again
Electorates: Upper House: Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland, Tasmania, Victoria and Western Australia
Lower House: All
Preferences: There are no surprises on UAP’s Senate How-to-Vote cards. All the parties preferenced are right-wing and either mildly critical of vaccine mandates, or rabidly anti-vax. The Liberal Democrats get the best slot, followed by either Shooters, Fishers and Farmers, Australian Christians, or the Informed Medical Options Party. One Nation is number 4 across the board, followed by the Australian Federation and Australian Values Parties respectively. Curiously, no HTV card was provided for the ACT and NT.
Previous Reviews: 20192014 (VIC) — 2013

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Sustainable Australia Party


Social Media: FacebookTwitterYouTubeInstagram
Previous Names: Sustainable Population Party, before that the Stable Population Party
Slogans: Redefining Growth
Themes: Protect our environment. Stop over-development. Stop corruption.
Electorates: Upper House: Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria and West Australia
Lower House: Eden-Monaro, Goldstein & North Sydney
Preferences: Sustainable Australia is another party that doesn’t want to suggest how you should direct your preferences. As long as you vote for them first, you can do what you like with the rest of the choices.
Previous Reviews: 201920182013

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Australian Federation Party


Social Media: FacebookTwitterInstagramVimeo
Previous Names: Country Alliance, Australian Country Party and Australian Country Party: Give it Back!
Slogans: Change is Here
Electorates: Upper House: Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria and West Australia
Lower House: Adelaide, Ballarat, Barker, Berowra, Boothby, Brand, Burt, Calwell, Canning, Casey, Chisholm, Corangamite, Corio, Cowan, Curtin, Deakin, Dunkley, Durack, Flinders, Forrest, Fremantle, Gellibrand, Gorton, Grey, Groom, Hasluck, Hawke, Higgins, Hindmarsh, Holt, Jagajaga, Kingston, La Trobe, Lalor, Leichhardt, Makin, Maranoa, Maribyrnong, McEwen, McPherson, Menzies, Monash, Moncrief, Moore, Moreton, Newcastle, Nicholls, O’Connor, Oxley, Page, Pearce, Perth, Robertson, Ryan, Spence, Sturt, Swan, Tangney, Wide Bay, Wills & Wright
Preferences: Not yet available
Previous Reviews: 2019 (as the Australian Country Party) — 2018 (VIC, as the Australian Country Party: Give it Back!) — 2014 (VIC, as the Australian Country Alliance) — 2013 (as the Australian Country Alliance)

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Animal Justice Party


Social Media: FacebookTwitterInstagramYouTube
Previous Names: none
Slogans: A better world for Animals, People & Planet
Themes: A better world for Animals, People & Planet, with emphasis on the first of those three
Electorates: Upper House: Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria and West Australia
Lower House: Bass, Blair, Boothby, Brisbane, Braddon, Casey, Chisholm, Clark, Cooper, Corangamite, Corio, Cowan, Deakin, Dunkley, Fairfax, Fisher, Flinders, Franklin, Grayndler, Herbert, Higgins, Hindmarsh, Indi, Isaacs, Kooyong, La Trobe, Leichhardt, Longman, Lyons, Macnamara, Macquarie, Mayo, Melbourne, Moncrieff, Newcastle, Parramatta, Perth, Petrie, Robertson, Ryan, Shortland, Sturt, Swan, Warringah & Wills
Preferences: Somewhat surprisingly, the AJP’s highest preference goes to the Labor Party. Following them are, in order, are Reason, the Greens, Socialist Alliance and Legalise Cannabis. Unsurprisingly left leaning, although most of the parties in this group put the ALP at #6, not #2.
Previous Reviews: 2019201820142013

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Australian Labor Party


Social Media: FacebookTwitterInstagramYouTube
Previous Names: none
Slogans: A Better Future
Medicare, Childcare, Aged Care, Labor Cares
Themes: We do hold a hose
Electorates: Upper House: All
Lower House: All
Preferences: A mixed bag. Greens get the coveted number 2 spot in most states. Tasmania directs preferences to Jacquie Lambie Network, and ACT to David Pocock. The next preference changes depending on the state: Derryn Hinch’s Justice Party in Victoria; Shooters Fishers and Farmers in NSW; Animal Justice in Queensland, SA, and WA; Greens in Tasmania and ACT; and Liberal Democrats in NT.
Previous Reviews: 2019201820142013

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